
STCU #4955 “Composite calixarene-based sorbents for determination of trace radionuclide in environment” (2009-2011)

This project aims to establish a brand new class of systems for registration of alpha- and beta-emissions, i.e. sorption and scintillation tailor-made materials allowing for selective concentration of radionuclides detected as the test fluid passes them in the course of free filtration, as well as for registration of signal from scintillation matrix. Design of such dual-purpose systems envisages the development of highly selective sorption materials, as well as development of technology for their impregnation in organic scintillation matrix.

Application of the obtained materials for purposes of radioecological monitoring will promote detection of alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides in the external entities below the MPC level.

STCU #4819 “New special methods for fast detection of micro-impurities of socially dangerous elements in environment” (2009-2012)

Main goal of the project is the carrier search for developing ruthenium, rhodium, palladium and cobalt test in the environmental objects and biological liquids as well as the ultra sound device design for decomposition of organic substances in the field conditions. New simple and low-cost ultrasound device will be designed for decomposition of organic substances present in water. Domestic ultra sound device generator as “Kolibri” will be used as the prototype for such device. It is supposed to apply designed US-device for natural water analysis and biological liquids as saliva, urine and blood.

STCU #3871 “Rapid and inexpensive methods of perchlorate detection for field-monitoring ground and surface waters” (2005-2007)

There were developed a number of tests for detection the perchlorates in water medium by means of sorption of the solid carrier, ion-selective electrodes with special sample preparation techniques.

STCU #3004 “Novel express methods for outdoor detection of toxic impurities in environment and socially insecure pharmacological substances” (2004-2007)

There were found most suitable reactions for detection of some psychotropic substances (phenothiazine, barbiturates, 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives) and toxic metals (iron, copper, nickel, vanadium, cobalt, manganese). The information concerning the mechanism of kinetics of these reactions was studied and experimentally checked. There were observed the approaches for increasing the reliability detection of psychotropic or heavy metals in surface and potable water as the application of the V.M.Ostrovskaya concentrator as well as approaches for destruction of organic substances masking determined metal ions.